If you have any questions, problems, suggestions, comments, complaints or praise to our company, please don't hesistate to contact us by the following ways. Glad to serve for you!
Customer and Orders or Business Cooperation :info@otsupplychain.com
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Online Chat
We provide and recommend online chat service such as whatsapp or skype. You can talk with us about the problems you met for efficient service!.
Working Hour
Our Customer Service team is available on Monday - Saturday from 9:00AM - 6:00PM CST. If you contact us on the weekend or after 6:00PM, don't worry, we also will get back to you ASAP. Next business day at the latest, we promise!
Otsupply Newenergy International Co.,LTD
Contact: Amanda Li
E-mail: info@otsupplychain.com
Add: No.5 Building,Dongwu Industrial Park,Donghuan 1st Road,Longhua New District, Shenzhen
Please submit your basic information and we will reply you as soon as possible!
Contact: Amanda Li
Phone: +8613424370509
E-mail: info@otsupplychain.com
Add: No.5 Building,Dongwu Industrial Park,Donghuan 1st Road,Longhua New District, Shenzhen
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